Facebook Removes "Feeling Fat" Option From Status Box After Online Backlash
Facebook just made the smartest move since removing the "poke" option. Wait, is poking still a thing? Well, like we said, they need to get rid of it. But they did get rid of something else detrimental to its users. After major backlash online and a Change.org petition, Facebook announced that it has removed the "feeling fat" option from its status drop down box. We remember the days when people wrote their statuses like they were finishing sentences, i.e.: "is loving this new NBC show called The Office!" So sure, Facebook has come a long way, but this additional feature did not sit well with a lot of people. Catherine Weingarten and the group Endangered Bodies started an online campaign to remove the "feeling fat" emoticon option, saying it was harmful to those struggling with body issues. "When Facebook users set their status to 'feeling fat,' they are making fun of people who consider themselves to be overw...